by Laura Power, M.S., Ph.D., L.N. and Dario Nardi, Ph.D. Those of you with strong adrenal function may feel you are immune to stress. After all, stress is what the adrenal glands handle best! Adrenalin, cortisol, DHEA, pregnenolone and other adrenal hormones give a calm energy and endurance. But no one can live with stress forever. Some adrenal types devote themselves early on to a healthy life style of good nutrition, adequate sleep and minimal stimulants. Others really push themselves physically and more often than not are surprised one day by a sudden health failure. Chronic high blood pressure is one sign Adrenal types need to make adjustments. Here are ten easy things you can start doing today to compensate for adrenal weaknesses and build on your strengths as an adrenal type:
It is also important to address your recessive glands – those with weak output get only weaker when you’re under stress. Many – but not all! – adrenal types have weak pineal and thyroid function. Low thyroid function may show up as slowed mental activity, a puffy face or moon-shaped face, slow speed (even with high endurance), and osteoporosis in older individuals. If any of these characteristics are present, consider visiting your health care provider to check for hypothyroidism, one of the most common glandular dysfunctions today. Low pineal function may show up as depression during the winter months, minimal or no dreaming, insomnia (so much high energy you can barely sleep) and/or lack of self-awareness. Thyroid and pineal glandulars, and foods with nutrients necessary for these glands, are one way to list up these “weakest links” in your hormonal chain.
Home | Gonad | Pancreas | Thymus | Thyroid | Pituitary | Pineal | Balanced Copyright Laura Power and Dario Nardi, August 2004. All written material and body type illustrations on this site are the exclusive properly of Laura Power and Dario Nardi. Please contact us for more information. |