Hormones affect all aspects of body and mind, and The 8 Biotypes are conveniently organized around people’s common needs: gonads and sexual function, pancreas and weight problems, etc. Who are you and what are your needs?

  1. Health Enthusiasts: Are you interested in diet, nutrition, health food, and the pursuit of optimum health and longevity?

  2. Athletes and fitness buffs use off-the-shelf hormone promoting nutrients to improve adrenal function (strength, tone, speed, energy, and endurance) naturally and safely.

  3. Highly stressed professionals need to bolster their health before it is too late. They are often aware that they are “living on fumes” – taxing their dominant gland – and need a framework to help reorganize their lives.

  4. Baby-boomers: women in menopause and men in viropause. More than ever, we hear conflicting and alarming data about hormone replacement. We all want to maintain energy, mental acuity and youth, but with accurate data and safe methods.

  5. Diabetics and others with major glandular disorders including such conditions as hypo-thyroid and hyper-thyroid, adrenal-exhaustion and Addison’s and Cushing’s diseases (under- and over-production of cortisol from too much stress.)

  6. Overweight? Hormonal imbalance can disrupt metabolism, skew appetite, cause sudden weight gain or loss, and water retention (50%-60% of Americans are considered overweight.) Somewhat overweight is normal - such individuals evolved to survive famine and dope well with meager food sources. But too much weight endangers overall health. There is a healthy balance.

  7. Low immunity and insomnia are two very common problems often easily ameliorated with off the shelf nutrient and hormonal support. If you have a need here, it's important to know your gland type to insure changes aren’t just masking symptoms of a broader problem.

  8. Health Care Professionals: Endocrinologists and other physicians, nutritionists, dietitians, naturopaths, acupuncturists, nurses, osteopaths, chiropractors, and professional trainers who want to keep up on the latest scientific research.

  9. Are you a Parent? Parents are concerned about the health of their children; they can benefit by identifying personal or familial patterns that affect health, temperament and functionality; and they and want to ensure the best possible future for their families. Women hope to achieve optimal health prior to or during pregnancy.

  10. Around the Globe: Unlike many health or diet plans which are based on a European-American population, the biotypes are evolutionary based. All types are found world-wide in varying percentages.

The Biotype System in a Nut Shell

  • Powerful system for dealing with stress, reducing aging and disease, and maximizing your unique genetic potential.
  • Not a diet-typing system per say.
  • Learn how to best balance your hormones.
  • Identify your strongest and weakest endocrine (hormone producing) glands to get a personal profile.
  • Learn about nutrient needs, exercise regimes and other life style changes to support your profile.
  • Based on the latest science and analytical research.
  • Discover key foods and supplements contain revitalizing nutrients.
  • Recover your health and become the perfect you!

Take charge of your health and life in the most effective and powerful way possible. The Biotype System profiles 8 biotypes, their body shape, metabolism, and behavior patterns, and strongest and weakest hormones. It defines hormone and disease patterns for each biotype, including: high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, reproductive problems, poor immunity, mood disorders, chronic fatigue, premature aging, and more. In their book, Dr. Laura Power and UCLA professor Dario Nardi then offer 8 scientifically proven programs for optimizing hormone health using: diet, supplements, exercise, lifestyle, environmental therapies, and detoxification. The Biotype System can take you from hormone imbalance to health and longevity in 30 days, and promote longevity as well.

The Biotypes framework empowers you in 5 steps:

  1. Maximize your genetic potential
  2. Based on the latest science
  3. Determine your biotype profile
  4. Use strategies to recover from stress
  5. Love who you are

Maximize Your Genetic Potential

In a perfect world all of us would be healthy, balanced, and energetic. You would have a beautiful trim, muscular body with efficient organs and great endurance. You would have a sharp intelligent mind, acute awareness, great charisma, a loving heart, calm wisdom, deep spirituality, psychic powers, and of course, terrific sex appeal. You would be Einstein, Conan the Barbarian, Betty Boop, and Yoda all rolled into one.

But, alas, none of us is perfect. Each person has a unique set of strengths and weaknesses. Some people are tall; others are short. Some are fat, others skinny. Some have fast metabolisms; others are frustratingly slow. A few have great musculature, while most of us struggle at the gym. Some are brilliant, others slow. Some are charismatic, others shy. Some are sexy, while others are funny. Some are emotional, others calm or cold. Some are spontaneous, others deliberate. Some are highly aware or even psychic, while others haven’t a clue. Everyone has some special assets. But no one has them all. Likewise everyone has weaknesses.

Nearly all of our variations can be explained by hormones. What are your strengths and weaknesses? Some may be obvious. Others are invisible even to ourselves until we realize we are struggling with low energy, a thyroid deficiency, premature aging or other physical or emotional symptoms. The problem is that some hormones are too high while others are too low.

The result is imbalance, resulting in many common health problems including: high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, reproductive problems, poor immunity, allergies, acne, mood disorders like anxiety, chronic fatigue, and premature aging.

We love our strengths, but our weaknesses can make life hard, especially as we age or are under stress.Thus, we look for therapies and strategies to improve our health. The good news is that our imbalances are not random. They form patterns – in body shape, metabolism, personality, toxemia, and evolutionary origin. And these imbalances are not a mystery – they are formed by our hormones.

People have pressing reasons to be concerned about their hormones:

  • Women face menopause, and have spouses, kids and aging parents to worry about.
  • Off-the-shelf hormone products from sleep aids like melatonin to youth-enhancers like HGH are ever-more sophisticated and plentiful. Here’s the roadmap to which hormone is appropriate for each Biotype!
  • Media reports of estrogen and other hormones are often inaccurate, scaring people when there are many ways to help an increasingly health-conscious population.
  • At the same time, diabetic obesity, hypo-thyroid and other glandular problems are rampant. Many problems are caused by too much of a hormone (not just too little). People need to know the balancing program right for them.
  • Existing books are highly targeted to one kind of reader, or they assume everyone is the same biochemically, which is false.
  • Until now, little has been known about how these hormones interact with each other or what can be done to improve overall health rather than addressing individual symptoms. 8 Biotpyes is based on twenty years of copyrighted research on the effects on hormones in the body and how to remediate imbalances.

As we age imbalances grow. In youth variations are often mild and our strongest hormones are usually the greatest cause of health problems and risks. However, with age low hormone levels decline even further. At first, these show up as chronic low-grade irritants: fatigue, digestive problems, low blood sugar, poor immunity, infertility and impotence. With age, stress and toxemia, however, hormone variations become more extreme, unbalancing metabolism and leading to greater health risks, and eventually to disease and earlier death.

The Biotype Solution
The Biotype System offers the ultimate nutrition and lifestyle solution to hormone imbalance, to promote optimal metabolism, physical health and mental acuity in four straight-forward steps:

  1. First, determine your biotype profile. This means discovering your hidden strengths and weaknesses based on your hormones.
  2. Then identify your goals – weight loss, muscle building, improved libido, mental clarity, allergy reduction, deeper sleep, greater energy and vitality or other need.
  3. Implement the program for your biotype. You will find 8 scientifically proven programs for optimizing individual hormone health using: diet, supplements, hormone enhancers, exercise, lifestyle, environmental therapies, and detoxification.
  4. Finally, determine your recessive glands, and implement therapies to balance your metabolism.

Biotype Benefits – Vitality and Youth
The Biotype System is the most comprehensive and important mind-and-body guide to emerge in this new millennium. In this age of ever-increasing health options, aging baby-boomers and hormone scares, Dr. Power and Prof. Nardi take readers through a system grounded in science and made understandable, useful and applicable for everyone. Following the program right for your biotype profile will allow you to restore the energy, body shape and mental acuity of youth. The system has proven itself over 20 years through research and with patients. You can go from hormone imbalance to health in 30 days.

Based on the Latest Science

The 8 biotypes is the only book to organize all the body's hormones into 8 biological types based on the latest scientific understanding and 20 years of documented research, including original measurements and statistics. These types are based on a comprehensive picture of the body’s hormone-producing endocrine glands. These glands are located throughout the body and head. They make some 80 different hormones and release these hormones into the bloodstream every single day. Hormones act as chemical messengers. They signal target areas of the body and brain into action. These signals aren’t arbitrary – they form 8 distinct biological types – or biotypes.

As you explore which biotype best conforms to their attributes, you will encounter familiar hormones like estrogen, testosterone, adrenalin and melatonin. For example, you may know that stress causes the adrenal glands to release adrenalin, tensing muscles and focusing the mind for a “fight or flight” response. What most people don’t know is that other adrenal gland hormones support a “feint or flurry” response that causes many people to do the opposite – eat, sleep or become catatonic under stress. Which stress response is more like you, and when? And how can you rebalance?

Along with surprising new facts and insights, you will discover numerous other hormones that dramatically affect many of your personal health issues. We are all aware of controversies like estrogen-replacement therapy or fountain-of-youth claims for hormones. But the 8 Biotypes is supported by the detailed research of thousands of scientists in the fields of genetics, endocrinology, neurology, biochemical individuality and nutrition.

So why 8 biotypes?

Gland size and function are not black-or-white or one-size-fits-all. Hormones are a complex jungle of interactions that vary with genetics and environment. One person’s glands can be larger or smaller than another’s. A man’s adrenal glands are two to four times as large as a woman’s and release two to four times more hormones. Other hormone output varies up to twelve-fold between two people!

Scientific research and medical laboratories document wide variations in endocrine gland size and normal hormone levels.

Hormones also vary in daily, monthly, and seasonal cycles. The nerves that connect mind and body stimulate our glands to differing effect, and the number of receptors around the body that receive our hormone signals also vary. Finally, hormone output also goes down or up with age, disease, lifestyle, environmental influences, nutrient intake, and other interactions. It is tempting to decide this complexity is random, or is too much to comprehend or control.

But there is a secret!

From complexity, predictable patterns emerge. Consider how the weather differs daily, but seasons and climate are predictable. The mathematics of Complexity Theory support the observation that biological patterns exist in nature and in human biology. Professor Nardi shows how these patterns form consistent types. Similarly, individuals differ uniquely, but there are consistent biotypes. Dr. Power’s clinical research demonstrates eight biotypes based on the endocrine glands. Her research is based on body measurements, metabolic measurements and psychological interviews. She analyzed the results and 8 distinct, statistically-significant types emerged.

Some of you may be familiar with Dr. Henry Bieler’s still-popular 1966 book on 4 gland types. Or some may have read Dr. Abravanel’s 1983 work based on Bieler. Today, the 8 Biotypes system offers you updated scientific information substantiating how the entire endocrine system of the body works and affects your ability to function every day.

Determine Your Biotype Profile

Each person has a profile of dominant, intermediate, and recessive gland function. Most people have one dominant gland and one secondary gland. A fortunate few have four or five strong glands – flexibility means survival. Most people also have one or two recessive glands that are under-performers.

Fill out the electronic form to help your discover your Biotype Profile and use the illustrations and snapshots to further clarify.

Knowing your biotype profile is a powerful tool. The 8 biotypes accounts for individual patterns over a lifetime. It is a holistic approach – body shape, personality, metabolism and toxemia. It is grounded in evolutionary biology – it doesn’t trumpet just one ideal but acknowledges human variations, strengths and weaknesses. And most importantly, it provides tools to moderate dominant glands and high hormones (your strengths) as well as compensate for recessive glands and low hormones (your weaknesses).

Our research presents a probable distribution of biotypes in the population:

Pineal 4%
* Balanced means 3 to 5 strong glands.

Dominant glands can over-express – the pancreas type who needs to lose excess weight. Recessive glands under-express – the skinny thyroid type who needs to improve pancreas function to gain weight. So every biotype has at least TWO reasons to know their profile!

There are five primary ways people vary hormonally: body shape, metabolism, personality, toxemia, and evolutionary origin. Your dominant gland’s hormones will be most active over other hormones, affecting:

  • Body-Type: Hormones from the dominant gland influence bone shape, face and skull shape, features, fat deposits, hair patterns, muscle development, and skin texture, height and weight.
  • Personality: Hormones influence daily energy patterns, mental abilities, attitudes, emotions, sexuality, spirituality, interests and values, career choices, and faults. And hormones don’t just influence; cycles often create a dynamic of highs and lows.
  • Metabolism: The dominant gland strongly influences appetite, our biorhythms, blood pressure, digestion, energy, excretion, menses, nerve function, pain, pregnancy, puberty, pulse, sleep, voice pitch, and weight.
  • Toxin elimination: The body flushes toxins from drugs, pollution, allergies and microbes through the skin, sweat, breath, blood, bile, urine, bowels, allergies, lymph, fat cells, menses and semen. Overload often means degenerative disease.
  • Evolutionary Origin: Light, dark, heat, cold, altitude, moisture, pathogens, food supplies, sound, electromagnetic fields and other factors influence gland function. Ancient peoples adapted to various ecosystems as part of human evolution.

With a Biotype Certified practitioner you will find all the practical ins-and-outs related to your dominant gland:

  • Health Risks (what to watch for before it’s too late!)
  • Therapies (exercise, detoxification regimes, and other lifestyles suggestions)
  • Optimal Foods & Supplements

It is not enough to know our dominant gland or glands. It is vital to know our recessive (weakest) glands because our bodies are only as strong as our weakest link, which is where our aging and stress patterns will show up. To balance our bodies, we must make the recessive glands stronger.

“Every individual organism that has a distinctive genetic background has distinctive nutritional needs which must be met for optimal well-being.” – Roger Williams

Use Strategies to Recover from Stress

With your gland type profile in hand, you can locate the cause of your health problems and determine which balancing program is best for you. Learn how to:

  • Strengthen weak glands to reduce your stress response
  • Compensate for overly high hormone levels (prevent further imbalance)
  • Improve overall health, energy and longevity

Hormones are powerful and Dr Power brings twenty years of life stories, personal caring, statistical confirmation, and the latest scientific research to her insights about them. Exercise, sleep, relaxation, meditation, nutrition, light therapy and other lifestyle changes are known to alter body shape, blood pressure, pulse, blood sugar, moods, endorphins, insulin levels, and so on. The body’s hormones are made from nutrients and are activated by environmental stimulus – they respond to what you eat and how you live.

Your body functions best when it is balanced. Your dominant gland needs minor support, except under stress or toxemia. However, your recessive glands will be the first to fail under stress. So it is important to support them. You will learn how to identify and support your strongest and weakest glands and balance your body, mind and behavior. You will learn how to get the best results from six tools:

  1. Use Nutritional Therapies: Research has shown that each endocrine gland requires specific nutrients to function properly. Learn which foods and supplements will help balance metabolism, by supporting the weak glands, and balancing the stress-response. These include: therapeutic foods, supplements, hormones, and weight control strategies.
  2. Find Appropriate Exercises: Every dominant biotype has different exercise needs. These should build strength, while relieving stress, without damaging the recessive glands. These can vary from vigorous aerobic exercise, to long walks, yoga, and Tai Chi.
  3. Detoxify: Each dominant gland stimulates a specific form of secondary toxin elimination, which places stress on target organs. Learn specific detoxification therapies to relieve stress on the strong glands, liver, and organs. These include: therapeutic foods, nutrient supplements, herbs, baths, saunas, and exercise.
  4. Make Lifestyle Changes: Poor diet, over/work, over-exercising, medication, drugs, travel, emotional stress, excessive sex, lack of rest or sleep, and other foibles all stress the glands. While the dominant glands make lifestyle choices easier, the recessive glands can limit your choices. With age, the contrast becomes more extreme. Learn to limit mental, emotional and physical stressors, pace yourself, get sufficient sleep, rest and meditate.
  5. Use Environmental Therapies: Extreme temperatures, humidity or dryness, light, noise or environmental toxins all stress the glands by increasing metabolic needs. But, environmental factors can also be used for healing. These include: light therapy, water therapy, heat or cold therapy, body therapies, counseling, sleep, deep breathing, and even negative-ion therapy.
  6. Choose Natural Hormone Replacement: Today, numerous hormones and hormone promoters are available off the shelf to improve performance whether for sex, sports, mood, or mental activity. Discover which ones are right for you.

The 8 biotypes is not the very first book to address hormones and health strategies, but it is the very first to present scientifically-researched facts and advice organized into 8 biotypes that answer many questions other books can’t. Some strategy pointers:

  • You can't just focus on a few hormones, because they are all inter-related
  • You can't treat everyone the same, because people are different
  • Problems appear at any age for both sexes, not just women at menopause
  • How do you head-off problems that show symptoms only when it's too late!
  • What do you do when a hormone is too high? (no other book addresses this challenge!)
  • Most importantly, there is no one “perfect” biotype – only eight different ways to be the perfect you.

Love Who You Are

Evolution and adaptation to specific ecosystems may have emphasized and favored one endocrine gland over another among our ancestors, thus increasing their chances for survival. We have inherited these patterns. This means all 8 biotypes are useful and necessary, each has a built-in survival mechanism that will work best in a particular environment.

Sometimes due to some emotional trauma, injury, or disease, our dominant gland type was suppressed. What is a suppressed biotype? It is what should have been the dominant gland type for an individual – based on genetic potential. This is still the individual’s potential, and can with time, patience, nutrient therapies, and exercise, be improved and perhaps even become a dominant gland after all, particularly if the person is still relatively young.

In a perfect world all of us can be healthy, balanced, and energetic – for the biotype that evolution has gifted to us.

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Copyright Laura Power and Dario Nardi, August 2004.
All written material and body type illustrations on this site
are the exclusive properly of Laura Power and Dario Nardi.
Please contact us for more information.